SQL Server 2012 - Sliding Functions Using OVER

Let's say I have the following schema:

-- Create the dbo.Transaction table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Transaction] (
    [TransactionId] INT NOT NULL IDENTITY,
    [AccountId] INT NOT NULL,
    [TransactionDate] DateTime2(7) NOT NULL,
    [Amount] decimal(9,3) NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT [PK_Transaction] PRIMARY KEY ([TransactionId])


And the next request:

    AverageAmount       = Avg(Amount)   Over (Partition By AccountId Order By TransactionDate ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW),
    TransactionCount    = Count(Amount) Over (Partition By AccountId Order By TransactionDate ROWS 2 PRECEDING),
    MinimumAmount       = Min(Amount)   Over (Partition By AccountId Order By TransactionDate ROWS 2 PRECEDING),
    MaximumAmount       = Max(Amount)   Over (Partition By AccountId Order By TransactionDate ROWS 2 PRECEDING),
    SumAmount           = Sum(Amount)   Over (Partition By AccountId Order By TransactionDate ROWS 2 PRECEDING)
From dbo.[Transaction]
Order By AccountId, TransactionDate


How do I execute this request if it was contained in a UDF or stored proc and the sliding interval (2 in this example) was not known until runtime passed as a parameter to the UDF / stored proc? It seems SQL 2012 does not allow using a variable here.


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1 answer

As you mentioned, SQL Server only supports integer literals for PRECEDING and FOLLOWING clauses in OVER.

There are two options available: dynamic sql and rewriting the query to avoid using PRECEDING

Dynamic sql is the simplest, but I'll be careful about putting it in a UDF.

set @sql = N'Select AccountId, ... ROWS ' 
          + cast(@sz as varchar(10)) + N' PRECEDING) ...'
exec sp_executesql @sql


However, window functions are just fancy syntax. You can rewrite the query without them:

SET @sz = 2

WITH    q AS ( SELECT   AccountId ,
                        TransactionDate ,
                        Amount ,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY AccountId 
                                            ORDER BY TransactionDate ) rw
               FROM     [Transaction]
    SELECT  accountID ,
            TransactionDate ,
            Amount ,
            ( SELECT    AVG(q1.Amount) FROM  q q1
              WHERE     q1.accountid = q.accountid
                        AND q1.rw BETWEEN q.rw - @sz AND q.rw
            ) AverageAmount,
            ( SELECT    COUNT(q1.Amount) FROM  q q1
              WHERE     q1.accountid = q.accountid
                        AND q1.rw BETWEEN q.rw - @sz AND q.rw
            ) TransactionAmount
            -- etc.
            FROM q
            ORDER BY AccountID, TransactionDate


Here's another way to re-write the request:

SET @sz = 2;
WITH    q AS ( SELECT   AccountId ,
                        TransactionDate ,
                        Amount ,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY AccountId 
                                            ORDER BY TransactionDate ) rw
               FROM     [Transaction]
    SELECT  q.accountID ,
            q.TransactionDate ,
            q.Amount ,
            AVG(q1.Amount) AverageAmount ,
            COUNT(q1.Amount) TransactionAmount ,
            MAX(q1.Amount) MaxAmount ,
            MIN(q1.Amount) MinAmount
                -- etc.
    FROM    q
            INNER JOIN q q1 ON q1.accountid = q.accountid
                               AND q1.rw BETWEEN q.rw - @sz AND q.rw
    GROUP BY q.accountid ,
            q.transactiondate ,




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