Creating a new column after combining two data.tables

I have two data.tables, main

and metrics

, both with a key, cid

I want to add to the table the main

average of each of several values ​​located in the metrics.

However, I would like to filter code

by only averaging these lines to metrics

the given one code


> metrics
    cid code  DZ value1 value2
1: 1001    A 101      8     21
2: 1001    B 102     11     26
3: 1001    A 103     17     25
4: 1002    A 104     25     39
5: 1002    B 105      6     30
6: 1002    A 106     23     40
7: 1003    A 107     27     32
8: 1003    B 108     16     37
9: 1003    A 109     14     42

> main
    cid  A.avg.val1   A.avg.val2    B.avg.val1      B.avg.val2    
1: 1001    12.5         23.0            11              26                      
2: 1002    24.0         39.5             6              30            
3: 1003    20.5         37.0            16              37            

main <- data.table(cid=1e3+1:3, key="cid")
metrics <- data.table(cid=rep(1e3+1:3, each=3), code=rep(c("A", "B", "A"), 3), DZ=101:109, value1=sample(30, 9), value2=sample(20:50, 9), key="cid")
code.filters <- c("A", "B")


These lines are getting the desired result, but I'm having a hard time assigning the new column back to main. (also, doing this programmatically would be preferable).

main[metrics[code==code.filters[[1]]]][,  list(mean(c(value1))), by=cid]
main[metrics[code==code.filters[[1]]]][,  list(mean(c(value2))), by=cid]
main[metrics[code==code.filters[[2]]]][,  list(mean(c(value1))), by=cid]
main[metrics[code==code.filters[[1]]]][,  list(mean(c(value2))), by=cid]


Also, can someone explain why the next line takes the last value in each group?

main[metrics[ code=="A"],  A.avg.val1 := mean(c(value1))]



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3 answers

disabling @Arun's answer, the following gets the desired results:

sapply(code.filters, function(cf)
    main[metrics[code==cf, list(avgv1 = mean(value1), avgv2 = mean(value2)), by=cid],
      paste0(cf, c(".avg.val1", ".avg.val2")) :=list(avgv1, avgv2)]

> main
    cid A.avg.val1 A.avg.val2 B.avg.val1 B.avg.val2
1: 1001       12.5       23.0         11         26
2: 1002       24.0       39.5          6         30
3: 1003       20.5       37.0         16         37




You don't need to main

. You can get it directly from the metrics


> tmp.dt <- metrics[, list(A.avg.val1 = mean(value1[code=="A"]), 
                 A.avg.val2 = mean(value2[code=="A"]), 
                 B.avg.val1 = mean(value1[code == "B"]), 
                 B.avg.val2 = mean(value2[code == "B"])), by=cid]

#     cid A.avg.val1 A.avg.val2 B.avg.val1 B.avg.val2
# 1: 1001       12.5       23.0         11         26
# 2: 1002       24.0       39.5          6         30
# 3: 1003       20.5       37.0         16         37


If you still want a subset of s main

, just do:

main <- data.table(cid = c(1001:1002))
> tmp.dt[main]

#     cid A.avg.val1 A.avg.val2 B.avg.val1 B.avg.val2
# 1: 1001       12.5       23.0         11         26
# 2: 1002       24.0       39.5          6         30




I would do it in two steps. Get your funds first, then reshape


foo <- main[metrics]
bar <- foo[, list(val1 = mean(value1), 
                  val2 = mean(value2)), 
           by=c('cid', 'code')]

bar.melt <- melt(bar, id.var=c('cid', 'code'))
      cid ~ code + variable)


But in fact, I would probably leave the data in the "long" format, because it is much easier for me to work with it.



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