Can you mock a non-stationary method that calls a static method using Mockito?

I understand that you cannot mock static methods using mockito. But the method I'm trying to mock is not static, but there is a call to static methods in it. Can I mock this method?

I am getting an exception when I run the test. Is the call to a static method causing this exception?

Class for testing:

public class MyAction{
        public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
            MyService service = new MyService();


Dedicated class and method:

public class MyService{
    public List getRecords(SearchRequest sr){
        List returnList = new ArrayList();
        MyDao dao = DAOFactory.getInstance().getDAO();---->Call to static method
        // Some codes
        return returnList;


Class with static method:

public class DAOFactory{
        private static DAOFactory instance = new DAOFactory();

         public static DAOFactory getInstance() {------> The static method
            return instance;


My test:

public void testSearch() throws Exception{
    MyService service = mock(MyService.class);
    MyAction action = new MyAction();

    List<MyList> list = new ArrayList<MyList>();
    ActionForward forward =, form, request, response);        


This is the stack trace when the test is running. Please keep in mind that I have changed the class names for simplicity. enter image description here


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1 answer

The problem is that your method search

cannot use the service layout because it creates its own instance MyService service = new MyClass();

. Therefore, you must refactor the class MyAction

to allow MyService

injection and inject layout into it. Or use a heavier weapon - PowerMock.

The easiest and safest refactoring

Use the "extract method" in your IDE repository to extract the "new MyClass ()" construct. So it will be:

public class MyAction{
        public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
            MyService service = getMyService();
        MyService getMyService() {
          return new MyClass();



then in unit test you can inject mock by creating an inner subclass:

public class MyActionTest {
   private MyService service = mock(MyService.class);
   private MyAction action = new MyAction(){
       MyService getMyService() {return service;}

    public void testSearch() throws Exception{

        List<MyList> list = new ArrayList<MyList>();
        ActionForward forward =, form, request, response);        





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