How to run existing phonegap (ios) app in VisualStudio for Windows development

I have been working on a phone (IOS) since 6 months, the app is ready to go. but now I want this application to run in visualstudio.

I am using VS2010 and also have windows sdk installed for phone development. I also have the corova template for windows installed and works great for new development.

but now all I want to use my finished phonegap app has been done in xcode for ios on windows.

How can I make this possible?

Edit: When I try to start the ios app for VS, I just replace the WWW folder of the app in VS and try to run, the emulator opened well and even named the first page "Index.html", but the css / js didn’t confirm receipt. events are called. so are there any changes to the WWW folder structure that i have to do for windows? I am new to windows phone.


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2 answers

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.console = {
        log: function (str) { window.external.Notify(str); }

    // output errors to console log
    window.onerror = function (e) {
        console.log("window.onerror ::" + JSON.stringify(e));

    console.log("Installed console !");




There can be different .js cords in WP. Try to create a completely new WP project and then copy cordova.js to your www folder and you're good to go.



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