Bootstrap autocomplete autocomplete from multiple sources?

Using Bootstrap Typeahead script, I would like to make an autocomplete input box. Entry field:

<input type="text" class="input-medium search-query" id="name" data-provide="typeahead" autocomplete="off">


I have JSON data, whose simple version looks like this:

var name_list = {
  "first" = ["John", "Jonathan", "Tom"],
  "last" = ["James", "Smith", "Bush"]


And when something is entered into the textbox, now I only show the list from the first one.

$('#name').typeahead({source: name_list.first);  


But I would also like to show the names from "last". For example, if I find "j" I want to see

(ideally with a divide line from Bootstrap css)


in the autocomplete list. How can i do this? Is there a way to call multiple JSON data sources?


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