How do I call an instance method from within a closure?

I am trying to access an instance method inside a call map

, unfortunately my instance object reference is being overridden in Window. I am not sure how to get my instance method:

class Test
  constructor: (@an_array) ->

  f: () -> (value) ->

  a: (value) ->
    alert value

t = new Test [1, 2, 3]
t.f() // TypeError: Object [object Window] has no method 'a'


Here's a functional link to the above code


source to share

2 answers

There are various ways to deal with this.

The most common in CoffeeScript would be to use the bold arrow ( =>

to create a bound function: (value) => @a(value)



Standard JavaScript approaches will also work (and sometimes are necessary or more appropriate):

Which one you choose depends on your environment and specific needs:

  • If you are trying to link a function that comes from other sources then you cannot use =>

    , so you have to use some variant (2) or (3) above (or maybe

    or Function.apply

  • If you need both internal and external this

    at the same time, you should go with (1) .
  • If you need to manually bind a function, but you're not sure if a native exists bind

    , then you will probably get (3) and which branch (3) will probably depend on which library you already have.
  • ...
  • Profit.


It turned out that I can do this by specifying a variable to keep the reference to this


class Test
  constructor: (@an_array) ->

  f: () ->
    self = @ (value) ->

  a: (value) ->
    alert value

t = new Test [1, 2, 3]
t.f()  // raises 3 alerts: 1, 2, 3


Here's a working example .

This seems a little hacky, so I'll leave the Q&A for someone to teach me how this should be done.: D



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