What is the correct way to manage the Capabilities applications listed in the WMAppManifest file?

I've read in several places, included here http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jaimer/archive/2010/04/30/windows-phone-capabilities-security-model.aspx , what if the Windows Phone app doesn't need possibilities, then you must remove it from the manifest.

I have an application that doesn't seem to need any features.

When I removed all features from the manifest file everything seems fine until I do one of two things.

One. If I close and reopen the project in Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio complains about the following error:

You are using a project created by a previous version of Windows Phone CTP Developer Tools. Your application may not work as expected.

Modify the WMAppManifest.xml file in the Properties section of the node and insert the following items in between as shown below.

and then all the possibilities are listed.

Second, it causes a problem when I try to debug an application on my phone. I read here http://blog.adamnathan.net/2010/11/09/ThisAppMakesUseOfYourPhonesDataConnection.aspx that I need to add this capability to the manifest if I want to debug the app on my phone even if my app doesn't work to make it use normally. This seems to be true, but it's a real problem when I need to add this capability and then remember to remove it when I want to submit my application to the market.

So what is the correct way to manage this? Will the market mark my application as being full if I leave it in the manifest?

[Update: Jan 1. 2011 16:58] Although the error message tells me to add all the features back, Visual Studio stops complaining if I add only the Networking features.


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1 answer

In most cases, the process of swallowing in the marketplace will properly rewrite your options (noting this known exception).

The error that occurs when reopening the project is logic that was implemented in the April CTP, before which the section was not populated <Capabilities>

. So this was a hint to patch your WMAppManifest.xml to specify the required <Capabilities>

one that your application uses when you first open March CTP projects.

It seems that this is not suitable for the case when such opportunities are not used. It might be something that the development team needs to pay attention to.

In the October release, the Opportunity Discovery Tool was released to allow locating of Opportunity Discovery that was performed while ingested.

How to use the Windows Phone Feature Discovery Tool

An interesting observation from Adam with device debugging that has a dependency on ID_CAP_NETWORKING. Not sure if this is intentional at the moment, but you can see how it might happen.



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