Fixed API Roundus API parameter

When using a study endpoint with similar values, vs ll gives different results when specifying the radius.

When using ll, the radius works as expected. But when the query is used side by side it seems like it is ignoring the radius parameter.

My Requests (no Client ID and Privacy):§ion=coffee&v=20130101,-122.18219&radius=250§ion=coffee&v=20130101

The first one overrides the radius parameter and in the response it shows "suggested Radius": 7924 The second returns "suggested Radius": 250 as expected.

Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else seen this behavior?
Is there a way that I can use the "near" parameter and radius correctly?



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1 answer

The parameter has radius

no effect when used with near

. For example, this request radius = 10 & section = coffee & v = 20130101 or running without parameter radius

generally still returns the same results as the original query.

If you want to achieve a similar effect, perhaps narrow down the parameter near

by doing something like feeding a zip code.



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