Groovy regex match list from readlines ()

I am trying to read a text file and return all lines that do not start with C #. In python, I could easily use a list to compose a list

with open('file.txt') as f:
     lines = [l.strip('\n') for l in f.readlines() if not"^#", l)]


I would like to do the same through Groovy. As long as I have the code below, any help is greatly appreciated.

lines = new File("file.txt").readLines().findAll({x -> x ==~ /^#/ })



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1 answer

In groovy, you usually need to use collect

list comprehension instead. For example:

new File("file.txt").readLines().findAll({x -> x ==~ /^#/ }).
    collect { it.replaceAll('\n', '') }


Note that it readLines()

already disables newlines, so this is not necessary in this case.

For searching, you can also use the method grep()


new File('file.txt').readLines().grep(~/^#.*/)




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