Daemons won't restart?

I am trying to run the same script in multiple daemons.


as follows:

loop do
  sleep 5
  1 / 0 # crash it


my myapp_controller.rb


require 'rubygems'
require 'daemons'

options = {
  :log_output  => true,
  :backtrace   => true,
  :monitor     => true,
  :multiple    => true,
  :log_dir     => '/mnt/log/',
  :hard_exit   => true
Daemons.run(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'myapp.rb'), options)


When I run ruby myapp_controller.rb start

multiple times in a row, it creates many daemons as I expect. But after some time due to an error in the myapp.rb

daemons fail, and the monitor restarts only one and not all. So I end up with one running daemon.

Why? What am I doing wrong?


source to share

1 answer

I was able to reproduce the behavior. This is not what you are doing wrong; it's a way of behaving daemons gem


Looking through the code for the gem daemon , it turns out that the option :multiple

doesn't work with the option :monitor


The parameter :monitor

works only when the daemon is started in one mode.

I created a bug report on the daemon project page , citing this question as the source.

More on reproducing the issue:

Several daemon processes are created when :multiple => true

. Each process has its own pid file in the format <scriptname>.rb<number>.pid


However, only one monitoring process is created (with one file <scriptname>.rb_monitor.pid


Here is a list of processes started when the daemon process starts 3 times:

$ ps -fe | grep my_server
  501  1758     1   0 12:25PM ??         0:00.63 my_server.rb  
  501  1759     1   0 12:25PM ??         0:00.43 my_server.rb_monitor  
  501  1764     1   0 12:25PM ??         0:00.54 my_server.rb  
  501  1834     1   0 12:51PM ??         0:00.31 my_server.rb 


Files in pid / log folder:

$ ls /tmp/daemons-2013-01-25/
my_server.rb.log                my_server.rb1.pid               my_server.rb_monitor.pid
my_server.rb0.pid               my_server.rb2.pid




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