Are there applications or browser extensions that provide rudimentary CSS editing via WYSIWYG?

For example, I would like a tool to allow me to resize the DIV window on the page by selecting it and then dragging the sizing controls.


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1 answer

You should really try using the inspector built into your web browser (preferably Chrome, in my opinion) or Firebug for Fire Fox. These changes will be removed when updated, but this will allow you to quickly prototype CSS.

However, I will say that what you are looking for is probably not as good as the idea, simply by editing the text in a text editor and updating your changes across multiple browsers. I speak multiple browsers because it is always better to write code that works on as many platforms, as many browsers, as is reasonable for the project. Stay away from in-browser WYSIWYG editors and stick with IDEs like Dreamweaver, TextMate, Coda, etc.



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