How to get records of fields by comparing other mssql fields?

I have a table; let it be called table1; with the following fields and data

msgid  msisdn teaserid send
1      333     1        1
2      333     1        0
3      444     2        1
4      444     2        1
5      444     3        1


I need a query that returns those messages for which send = 1 for every record that has the same msisdn, teaserid. In the above case, I want msgid: 3,4,5. How can this be done with an mssql query?


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2 answers

This is a nice use of window functions :

declare @t table (msgid int,msisdn int,teaserid int,send int)
insert into @t (msgid,msisdn,teaserid,send) values

select * from (
select *,MIN(send) OVER (PARTITION BY msisdn,teaserid) as all1
from @t
where all1 = 1



msgid       msisdn      teaserid    send        all1
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
3           444         2           1           1
4           444         2           1           1
5           444         3           1           1


When calculating MIN(send)

in sections msisdn,teaserid

, it can only be 1 if all values send

are 1. If only one row has 0, this will be the minimum for that section.



You can use this query to get the result

 select msgid 
 from table1 t 
 where send=1 
       and exists(select * from table
                  where send=1 
                  and msisdn=t.msisdn
                  and teaserid=t.teaserid and msgid != t.msgid)




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