How to remove arrow from QCombobox popup?

I have a QComboBox that shows a default select arrow on the left when clicked - the snapshot attached below.

enter image description here

My stylesheet is below

    QComboBox { \
        background:white; \
        border:1px solid gray \
    } \
    QComboBox::down-arrow { \
        image: url(:/images/profilecomboboxdropdown.png); width:15px; height: 15px; \
    } \
    QComboBox::drop-down { \
        subcontrol-origin: padding; \
        subcontrol-position: right; \
        width: 15px; \
        height: 15px; \
        border:0px; \
        padding-right:8px; \
    } \
    QComboBox QAbstractItemView { \
        border: 0px; \
        padding: 1px; \
        background-color: #ffffff; \
        color: gray; \
        selection-background-color: #ffffff; \
        selection-color: blue; \
    } \



How can I get rid of this selection arrow? I am using Qt 4.7.4 on Mac and Windows


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1 answer

This is a Mac-specific issue and there are several ways to live with it - make the selection mark to jump out of the screen with positioning styles - make it less ugly by removing the border (this is a matter of removing the style that makes that border show) - so don't set the "current" item in the combo box probably



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