Dependency Tracking Function

I'm just wondering if anyone knows how to automate the creation of views after launch DROP ... CASCADE

? Now I first want to drop the view with the classic expression DROP VIEW myview

, and if I canโ€™t drop the view because other objects are still dependent on it, then check all the object names that postgres publish and keep them created, and then I run drop with cascade. Sometimes it looks like more than a dozen objects. But maybe you have an idea to solve this problem in a more automated way?

Maybe someone has some kind of function?


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2 answers

Next step ... (continuation of my previous answer).

Function save_views (objectname text) stores representations depending on objectname (or table) in Table sohranennye_views .

Function restore_views () restores the presentation of the table sohranennye_views .

create or replace function save_views_oid(objectid oid)
returns void language plpgsql as $$
    r record;
    for r in
        select distinct c.oid, c.relname, n.nspname
        from pg_depend d
        join pg_rewrite w on w.oid = d.objid
        join pg_class c on c.oid = w.ev_class
        join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
        where d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass 
        and d.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass
        and d.refobjid = objectid
        and c.oid <> objectid
        insert into saved_views values (
            'CREATE VIEW ' || r.nspname || '.' || r.relname ||
            ' AS ' || pg_get_viewdef(r.oid, 'f'));
        perform save_views_oid(r.oid);
    end loop;
end; $$;

create or replace function save_views(objectname text)
returns void language plpgsql as $$
    create table if not exists saved_views(viewbody text);
    truncate saved_views;
    perform save_views_oid(objectname::regclass);
end; $$;

create or replace function restore_views()
returns void language plpgsql as $$
    viewtext text;
    for viewtext in
        select viewbody from saved_views
        execute viewtext;
    end loop;
    drop table saved_views;
end; $$;



select save_views('my_view'); -- may be save_views('my_schema.my_view');
select * from saved_views;



select save_views('my_view'); 
drop view my_view cascade;
create view my_view as ...
select restore_views();




The pg_depend table contains all the information you need, but they are not easy to interpret. Here you have a recursive sketch function to extract the dependencies of the pg_class object in text format. You can customize the function according to your needs (and show us the results :).

create or replace function dependency
    (class_id regclass, obj_id regclass, obj_subid integer, dep_type "char")
returns setof text language plpgsql as $$
    r record;
    return query 
        select pg_describe_object(class_id, obj_id, obj_subid)
            || ' ('|| dep_type|| ')';
    for r in
        select classid, objid, objsubid, deptype
        from pg_depend
        where class_id = refclassid
        and obj_id = refobjid
        and (obj_subid = refobjsubid or obj_subid = 0)
        return query select dependency(r.classid, r.objid, r.objsubid, r.deptype);
    end loop;
end; $$;


select dependency('pg_class'::regclass, 'my_view'::regclass, 0, ' ');
select dependency('pg_class'::regclass, 'my_table'::regclass, 0, ' ');




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