Ajax-like team helper for EMACS?

I am new to Emacs. I find it powerful and very user-friendly if you can manipulate its command set. I also believe that anyone can do this with patience and the drive to learn and use the software. It will be much better for beginners, however, and seasonal users have a command helper plugin that does the following:

When the user starts typing any CONTROL or META, COMMAND or any special keys, an "ajax-like" or "smart search" window appears below or in the minibuffer displaying help text, for example: "If I hold" CONTROL "windows helper commands show:

C-p         Up one line
C-n         Down one line
C-f         Forward one character
C-b         Backward one character
C-a         Beginning of line       
C-e         End of line
C-x         ...


Then, if I keep typing "x" while holding "CONTROL", the window will refresh and show something like:

C-x C-a  add-mode-abbrev
C-x C-b  list-buffers
C-x C-c  save-buffers-kill-emacs
C-x C-d  list-directory
C-x C-e  eval-last-sexp
C-x C-f  find-file
C-x C-h  inverse-add-mode-abbrev
C-x TAB  indent-rigidly
C-x C-l  downcase-region
C-x C-n  set-goal-column
C-x C-o  delete-blank-lines


I tried to use it on google but it doesn't exist yet. So my guess is that this is more of a feature request for EMACS and not a question. But it's great if someone can write a plugin / module to do this.


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4 answers

I will come back to this because I found the perfect solution and cannot live without it: emacs-helm




I don't believe it is there, but I also believe that it is really unnecessary. It just clutters up the screen, although maybe for newbies it can be really useful.

For now, you might want to consider printing a cheatsheet .

Don't lose hope, I found out about this without any help, the key is to just use it often.

Plus, there is good logic behind it all, so if you are reading the structure in a cheat card or elsewhere, then this may help you "guess" what is the correct shortcut sooner rather than later.

EDIT : I asked a similar question myself , at least the same functionality was needed. I accepted an answer that seems to mention that Icicles offers this feature.

In addition, it is recommended that you specify that after entering the prefix key, such C-cas typing C-h, you will see possible completion options.

This leads me to the following:

I believe we could use the code: "If the last key is a prefix key, run C-h*, go back to the previous buffer and repeat the last prefix key"

* this is a general method that even works for my own poorly designed minor mode



I also don't know of an existing package that would do this, but here are some tips.

For an overview of all available bindings, click C-h b. The displayed buffer looks rather crude because it includes all the ways you can enter special characters (and they are usually at the top), but you can search for it with C-sif you remember at least part of the command name.

If you know the prefix (for example C-x) but don't remember what comes next, you can use it instead of C-h(enter C-x C-h). This will invoke a similar buffer that only contains bindings starting with the same prefix. I think this is one of the most obscure features.

Talking about "if I hold Ctrl" though showing hints when you just pressed Ctrl, and nothing else if it is currently impossible to implement at the Lisp level. This will require changes at a lower level.



There are too many keys in emacs to be practically useful.

I agree with the other answers and just want to add that I found the inline tutorial very helpful for getting over the basics. You can link to the tutorial using C-h t.

You will probably end up changing a few of the default bindings, but learning them will help you find your way around the new modes (assuming they work "emacsy").



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