Heroku sbt SLOW game console

Hi I am running play framework 2.1 RC1 (but this applies to sbt) on heroku with 1 web dino.

I often want to access the scala REPL with a command heroku run sbt play console

in order to perform some operations.

Everything works fine, but it takes about 10 minutes from command to REPL. Eveything compiles 10 times slower than deploying.

Is there any work around to get to the REPL faster in heroku? Or initiate a REPL instance and then connect to it?


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2 answers

I used Play 2.1.1 on Heroku and also suffered from very long build times. Deployment was interrupted quite often (Slug compilation is currently limited to 15 minutes).

It turned out that the sbt 0.12.3 I was using at the time was pretty slow (memory issues). Most of these problems were fixed in sbt 0.12.4, which is much faster. Unfortunately, Heroku only officially has support for SBT 0.11.0 - 0.12.3 right now.

However, by changing your buildpack url as follows, you can build with sbt 0.12.4:

$ heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-scala.git#sbt-0.12.4



You start a remote service and with only one dyno (this means that after 1 hour it goes to "sleep" and it wakes up, it has to cold start dyno). Of course it's slow.

Of course, 10 minutes is too much (unless you have a massive project, slow connection or some other external factor (for example, problems in the platform itself).

Anyway, only Heroku can solve this, you should open a support ticket with them.



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