Nockout.js update of picklist doesn't fire on first change

I have 2 picklists and I want to sync the index, so when the first one has index 1, the second one will have index 1, etc.

This is my html.

<script src=""></script>

<select id="selLight" data-bind="options: $root.ddlLight, value: ddlLightSelected"></select>
<select id="selAction" data-bind="options: $root.ddlAction, value: ddlActionSelected"></select>


and javascript ...

var ViewModel = function() {
    var self = this;

    self.ddlLight  = ko.observableArray(["RED", "AMBER", "GREEN"]);
    self.ddlAction = ko.observableArray(["STOP", "READY", "GO"]);
    self.ddlLightSelected  = ko.observable();
    self.ddlActionSelected = ko.observable();

    self.ddlLightSelected.subscribe(function (event) {
        document.getElementById("selAction").selectedIndex =

    self.ddlActionSelected.subscribe(function (event) {
        document.getElementById("selLight").selectedIndex =

ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel()); 


I have a fiddle with the exact problem ...

EDIT: I had a couple of issues with the jsfiddle, so here's the jsbin ...

... and here's how to recreate the problem:

  • Run jsFiddle
  • Select GREEN from LIGHTS (ACTIONS will change to GO). 3. Select STOP from ACTIONS (LIGHTS should change to RED, but they won't)

source to share

1 answer

The problem is with this line of code:

document.getElementById("selAction").selectedIndex = self.ddlLight.indexOf(self.ddlLightSelected());


You are changing the DOM directly, preventing Knockout from starting the observable pattern.

If you want to change something, always change ko.observable

, not the JavaScript or DOM variable. The knockout recognizes the change and therefore changes the DOM itself. Decision:

self.ddlLightSelected.subscribe(function (event) {
      var index = self.ddlLight.indexOf(self.ddlLightSelected());
      self.ddlActionSelected(self.ddlAction()[index]); // Update the Observable, not the DOM

self.ddlActionSelected.subscribe(function (event) {
    var index = self.ddlAction.indexOf(self.ddlActionSelected());
    self.ddlLightSelected(self.ddlLight()[index]); // Update the Observable, not the DOM


Updated JS Bin .



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