Camel CBRs and POJO Property Inspection

I have a Camel route that routes Order


        .when(order.getProduct() == Product.Widget)
        .when(order.getProduct() == Product.Fizz)


So, if the specific Order

is the order of a Widget

, it needs to be redirected to direct:widgets

, etc.

I'm choking on what to put inside each method when(...)

. What I have is not legal Camel DSL syntax and is used to illustrate what I want to accomplish.

So my question is, what do I put in each method when(...)

to accomplish the kind of routing I'm looking for?
Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

You have to put the value of your order.getProduct () in the header and use it like this:




You can use a process (i.e.: in a DSL):

<route id="foo">
    <from uri="direct:start"/>
    <process ref="beanProcessor" />


Bean Announcement:

<bean id="beanProcessor" class="MyProcessor" />



public class MyProcessorimplements Processor {

     public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
         exchange.getIn().setHeader("headerName", yourOrderObject);




I think the Order type is the body of the message. So, in Java DSL, you can do





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