Awk partial match is not printed

awk -F"," -v var=$test '$1 ~ /^var$/{print}' alpha.txt


I tried hard-coding my var with my actual variable input and I found that this code works. However, when I tried, for example, to /^ppl$/

find a partial match with an apple, it doesn't show up. can anyone give me some guidance as to how I can parse my variable in a command?


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3 answers

try this:

awk -F"," -v var=$test '$1 ~ "^"var"$"' alpha.txt




awk -F"," '$1 ~ /^'"$test"'$/{print}' alpha.txt




If you are binding the match at the beginning and end, just use ==

awk -F"," -v var=$test '$1 == var' alpha.txt


If $test

contains a regex, then @Kent has the correct answer.



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