PHP object returns false if there are no properties

I am trying to create a class that will contain a set of properties. it will be used like this:

$class = new test_class();



Basically, if properties exist, then they are true; if properties do not exist, they are false. Properties don't matter, only existence.

Now I want to do something like this:

$class = new test_class();

var_dump($class->property); // false - property does not exist
var_dump($class->second_property); // true - second_property exists

var_dump( (bool) $class); // true


So, if even one property of the test class exists, var dumping $class

will show true because it's an object.

However, in a situation where the class has no properties, I want this to happen:

$class = new test_class();

var_dump($class->property); // false - property does not exist
var_dump($class->second_property); // false - second_property does not exist

var_dump( (bool) $class); // false


But I still want it to $class

be instanceof


, but return false in a boolean test.

Is it possible? If so, how do I do it?

Thanks, Ozzy


To clarify, I'm already using the magic function __get (). I want this to happen, if test_class

does not have the properties, when it is executed var_dump

, it returns false, and instanceof

returns test_class


development ...

I am creating a complex permission system. The user gets assigned sections and each section has a set of permissions.

It will work like this:

$user = permissions::get_user(USER_ID_HERE);
// Every property of the $user is a section

var_dump($user->this_section_exists); // true - returns an object
var_dump($user->this_section_doesnt); // false - returns a boolean


If the section exists, it returns a section permissions object.

var_dump($user->this_section_exists); // true
var_dump($user->this_section_exists->this_permission_exists); // true

var_dump($user->this_section_exists->this_permission_doesnt); // false


Here's an example of an edge:

var_dump($user->this_section_doesnt); // false

// This should also return false, which it does,
// But it throws a notice: "Trying to get property of non-object"


I want to be able to either suppress this notification without making any changes to the code that calls the class, i.e. no @ to suppress .. or be able to return an object without any properties that evaluates to false on a boolean test,


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5 answers

What I want to do is if test_class has no properties, then when var_dump is executed on it it returns false and instanceof will return test_class.

This is not possible, var_dump

will always show you the correct type for what it was created for.



No, you cannot do it exactly the way you wrote it. But you can emulate something like this:

class A {

    public function __toString() { // this is what you want, but it only works when you use your object as a string, not as a bool.
        if (count(get_class_vars(__CLASS__))) { // so if the class has at least 1 attribute, it will return 1.
            return '1';
        } else {
            return '0';

$a = new A;
var_dump((bool)(string)$a); // false


If I add a property to class A, it returns true. You can also use it without (bool)


if ((string)$a) {
    echo 'I am not empty';
} else {
    echo 'I am an empty object';


If you don't want to use (string)

, you have one option to create a method containing the code from __toString()

and call it instead of casting.


PS: About what you said - do var_dump()

on the object to return false. No, It is Immpossible.



You can try PHP magic function


class Test {

    private $name = 'name';

    public $age = 20;

    public function __get($name) {
        return isset($this->$name) ? true : false;

    public function __toString() {
        return true;


$object = new Test();

var_dump($object->name); // output `true`
var_dump($object->age); // output `20`
var_dump($object->notfound); // output `false`
var_dump((bool)$object); // output `true`




You can do some packing with __ get () to manipulate the response.

Say something like

class test_class {

  private $_validProperties;
  public function __construct()
    $this->validProperties = array('foo', 'bar', 'widget');

  public function __get($prop)
    if (isset($this->_validProperties[$prop])
      return true;
    return false;

$a = new test_class();
var_dump($a->foo); //true
var_dump($a->tree); //false




If I understand you correctly, I can do it.

Hope this helps you.

class Permissions {
    private $userPermissions = array(
        1 => array(
            'Blog' => array('Post'),

    private $permission;

    public function __construct($id) {
        $this->permission = $this->userPermissions[$id];

    public function __get($name) {
        if(isset($this->permission[$name])) {
            return new $name($this->permission[$name]);
        return new Notfound();


class Blog {
    private $permission;

    public function __construct($permission) {
        $this->permission = $permission;

    public function __get($name) {
        if(($key = array_search($name, $this->permission)) !== false) {
            return new $name();
        return new Notfound();

    public function __tostring() {
        return true;

class Post {
    public function __get($name) {
        return isset($this->$name) ? true : new Notfound();
    public function __tostring() {
        return true;

class Notfound {
    public function __get($name) {
        return false;
    public function __tostring() {
        return false;

$user = new Permissions(1);
var_dump('Blog ', $user->Blog); // return Blog
var_dump('Blog:Post', $user->Blog->Post); // return Post
var_dump('News', $user->News); // return Notfound
var_dump('News:Post', $user->News->Post); // return false




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