Can't use maxlength in Android JellyBean

I am facing a problem in Android that is similar when I use the maxlenth attribute on the input eg .; After entering 20 characters in Android tab, this page freezes, I cannot delete or add anything on any other input, other pages work fine, but not on this page where I entered characters with the maximum limit

I am using KArbonn Smart Tab 8 Android JellyBean


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2 answers

This is a well known issue with Android 4.1.

Jelly Bean WebView does not perform well with HTML maxlength attribute for textbox

Unfortunately, there is no fix yet. You can follow the above column where they have a JS fix.



I found the answer and it works for me:

x$("#fieldWithMaxLength").on("keydown", function(e) {
            if(e.keyCode != 8) {
                maxlength = $(this).attr('maxlength');
                if(this.value.length >= maxlength ) {
                    var curIndex = $(this).attr('tabindex');
                    $('[tabindex=' + curIndex + ']').focus();
                    return false;




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