Method 'get_Command' of type 'System.Windows.Controls.Button' is not implemented

I am trying to develop an application in 12.5. However, I keep getting the following compilation error.

Unknown build error, 'Method 'get_Command' in type 'System.Windows.Controls.Button' 
from     assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral,    
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' does not have an implementation. Line 3 Position 4.' 


The app is very simple. This is one wpf window with a button that shows a message. I had this error in various test applications, but I can't see what is causing the problem.

I found other people on the internet with the same problem, but they all seem to be using .net 4.5. and Windows 8. The compiler seems to be using the wrong .net version. However, I don't have .net 4.5

If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great


I found more information. I have two goals in my solution. Net build target and wpf target. Everything works fine until I add a link in my wpf target to my .net build target. Then this error occurs. Removing an assembly from the list of references does not solve the problem


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1 answer

I found a solution. When you reference the DLL in the target powerbuilder, it changes the presentationcore.dll reference to a reference in gac. This DLL is not the correct version (at least not on my computer). While editing the project with notepad (++), I changed the path to the original presentationcore.dll and now it compiles again.



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