Using a variable inside an object member

I am retrieving multiple data items from an object in C #. They are all in the same place in the object, for example:



I'd like to use a foreach loop to pull them all out and be able to add more by adding to the array.

string[] addressFields = new string[] { "Street", "City", "State", "ZipCode" };
foreach(string add in addressFields) 


Can this be done, and if so, what is the correct procedure?


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2 answers

To achieve this you need to use reflection:

var type = objectContainer.TableData.GetType();

foreach(var addressFieldName in addressFieldNames)
    var property = type.GetProperty(addressFieldName);
    if(property == null)
    var value = property.GetValue(objectContainer.TableData, null);
    var stringValue = string.Empty;
    if(value != null)
        stringValue = value.ToString();


Please note, this code is pretty secure:

  • It will not fail if no property with the specified name is found.
  • It won't fire if the property value is null



You can use Reflection for this.

string[] addressFields = new string[] { "Street", "City", "State", "ZipCode" };
foreach(string add in addressFields) 
  var myVal = objectContainer.TableData.GetType().GetProperty(add).GetValue(objectContainer.TableData).ToString();


Note that this does not allow array values ​​that do not have a corresponding property in theContainer.TableData object.



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