Change logo in transactional email

I have a transactional email with the following code:

<a href="{{store url=""}}"><img src="{{var logo_url}}" alt="{{var logo_alt}}" style="margin-bottom:10px;" border="0"/></a></td>


and the logo in / public_html / skin / frontend / fortis / default / images logo.png What should I put in the url = "" store and in {{var logo_url}} to show my logo in a transactional email?


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5 answers

To change this globally go to:

System> Configuration> General> Design> Transactional letters

and upload it there. I am using Magento ver.

You should have an image in your folder named the logo_email.gif

same as logo_print.gif

for the Print Preview pages.


"/ public_html / skin / frontend / fortis / default / images / logo_email.gif"



If you need to use logo.png file you need to use something like this

src="{{skin url="images/logo.png" _area='frontend' _package="fortis" _theme="default"}}"


But the best way would be to convert your email logo as suggested by SteveyO to email_logo.gif and put it in / public _html / skin / frontend / fortis / default / images / logo_email.gif so you don't need to edit every transactional email and make sure everything is configured in system-> configuration-> general-> design

More information can be found here How do I replace the default logo in transactional emails?



You have to change this in Magento backend (config> design> transactional emails).



To do this, in your theme hierarchy in this skin / frotend / default / YOUR_THEME / images structure, you must have your logo, naming it as "logo_email.gif". Just replace this with a new logo file (with the same name).

This will not require any additional updates, it will clear the cache and check it.



To change this globally go to:

System> Configuration> General> Design> Transactional Emails and upload them there. I am using Magento ver.



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