Is there an additional shortcut injection

I recently ran into this problem:
I have always used injection like this (I knew the (0) part is optional and could be omitted)

array = [13,23,13]
#=> [13, 23, 13]
array.inject(0) { |sum,i| sum+i }
#=> 49


By chance I found out that you can use:

#=> 49
#=> -23
#=> 3887
#=> 0


Googling on the problem I found a good introduction article but didn't mention what I tried ....
Can someone explain to me or give some information about these injection commands I just used?


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1 answer

From the doc Enumerable#inject


... If you specify a symbol instead, then each item in the collection will be passed to the named memo method. In any case, the result becomes a new memo value. At the end of the iteration, the final memo is the return value for the method.

If you do not explicitly provide a start value for the memo, then the first item in the collection is used as the start value for the memo.

So, if you specify a character, it treats it as a method name and calls that method on every enum element replacing memo as above. Now math operators (+ - * /) are just methods, nothing else. These lines give an identical result:

13 + 23 # => 36
13.+(23) # => 36
13.send(:+, 23) # => 36


When you pass the symbol inject

or reduce

, it uses the third form to dynamically apply that operator to elements:

[1,2,3].inject(:+) # => 6


This shorthand can also be used with methods other than operators:

[{"a"=>1}, {"b"=>2}].inject(:merge) # => {"a"=>1, "b"=>2} 




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