Why are you getting the MultipleObjectsReturned error inside the try block?

Any help on this would be great. I am using python 2.7 and django 1.2 Here's my code:

for save in saved: #list to iterate
        sect = obj.get(name=save) #obj is a RelatedManager
    except: #if two sections have the same name
        sect = obj.filter(name=save)
        #finish my code


I get an error MultipleObjectsReturned

every time it hits the statement get()

. I am not an expert in python, so I guess I am missing something simple.


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2 answers

Two objects have values name

equal to valuesave

When used get

and more than 1 line is returned, it raisesMultipleObjectsReturned

I think you should catch this explicitly because yours, apart from being worth it, will also catch errors DoesNotExist

(and all other errors)

    from django.core.exceptions import MultipleObjectsReturned

        sect = obj.get(name=save) #obj is a RelatedManager
    except MultipleObjectsReturned: #if two sections have the same name
        sect = obj.filter(name=save)[0]
        #finish my code




Since there is more than one record in the database named = save. Use filter () and get the value at index 0 if you only want one, or properly handle this case separately.



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