What is the reason why C ++ std IO doesn't output NULL gracefully?

Possible duplicate:
Why does std :: cout output disappear completely after sending NULL

It seems if you try:

 std::cout << NULL << endl;
 std::cout << "hell" << endl;


it doesn't print anything and C ++ IO stops working for all subsequent outputs.

but it works fine in C stdio:

 printf("%s\n", NULL);
 printf("%s\n", "hell"); 




Is there a good reason why C ++ IO cannot do the same?

(edited in response to comments) well to be clear, NULL has a type, say const char *

const char* getxxx();  // may return NULL, 
cout << getxxx();      // won't work if NULL returned



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2 answers

AND? I see no reason why there cout

should be a failure simply because you followed

std::cout << 0 << std::endl;


He should get out 0\n

. And he does . End of the story.

(If you are confused, find out that in C ++,. #define NULL (0)


If you wrote:

T* p = 0;
std::cout << p << std::endl;


then it will display the address 0

(usually in hex and padded with the pointer size, as this is the preferred way to look up pointers).

(It depends on the behavior you get using the C NULL definition, which is #define NULL ((void*)0)


Only if you write

char* p = 0;
std::cout << p << std::endl;


You have problems. Now you call

template<class traits>
basic_ostream<char,traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char,traits>& out, const char* s);


for which the standard (section says:

Required: Must s

not be a null pointer.

When you pass a null pointer, rule applies, which says that:

Each of the following statements applies to all arguments to functions defined in the C ++ Standard Library, unless explicitly stated otherwise. * If a function argument has an invalid value (for example, a value outside the domain of the function, or the pointer is not valid for its intended use), the behavior is undefined.

So you are in a country of "undefined behavior". There is no guarantee that it failbit

will be installed and the program will continue.

Note that the behavior is printf

actually type independent NULL

. It is the format string "%s"

that invoked the call as a string (pointer to a NUL character sequence).



printf("%s", str)

there is no need to process strings NULL

, so as you go through NULL

you are asking for problems.

Semantically equivalent operator with IOStreams:

std::cout << static_cast<char const*>(NULL);


And it is not required to process the string NULL




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