TListView - How to Resize Items on Resize

I have a TListView that displays small thumbnails (ViewStyle:=vsIcon)

. At runtime, I assign images to elements:

  for i := 0 to Total - 1 DO
   with ListView.Items.Add DO
      Caption := 'Item ' + IntToStr(i);
      ImageIndex := i;


When launched, the shape is not very wide and the thumbnails are only displayed in 3 columns. Unfortunately, if I resize the form (and the ListView ), the number of columns stays at 3 and there are a lot of spaces on the right side.

This won't work either:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 ListView.IconOptions.AutoArrange := TRUE;


How do I reorder the elements to fill the empty space? Is there any property like AutoArrange?

I removed the old control and I put the new one on the form.
Now it works ListView.IconOptions.AutoArrange

. There was something in the previous item (some tweaks I made) that was preventing AutoArrange from working.


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1 answer

There is a type property AutoArrange

. It refers to a property IconOptions

, not directly to the list view.

ListView1.IconOptions.AutoArrange := True;


To do a one-time icon layout you can call ListView_Arrange




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