ndb.Tasklet and SyncTasklet with multiple nested functions

I'm trying to effectively call the tasklet and subtasks:

def getBeds(bed_key):
    bed = yield bed_key.get_asyn()
    bed_info = {}
    raise ndb.Return(bed_info)

def getRoom(room_key):
    room = yield room_key.get_async()
    room_info = {}
    beds_in_room = map(getBeds,room.beds)
    room_info["beds"] = beds_in_room
    raise ndb.Return(room_info)

def getBuilding(build_key):
    build = yield build_key.get_async()
    build_info = {}
    rooms_in_build = map(getRoom,build.rooms)
    build_info["rooms"] = rooms_in_build

def getHotel(hotel_obj)
    hotel_inf = {}
    buildings_in_hotel = map(getBuilding,hotel_obj.buildings)
    hotel_inf["buildings"] = buildings_in_hotel
    return hotel_inf


For some reason, I thought @ ndb.toplevel would pause getHotel until it's over. Unfortunately building_in_hotel is returning a list of futures ...

How do I get it to complete?


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1 answer

You get!

When you call tasklet, you always get the future and then you get the result. There is also a parallel exit where you get a tuple or list of talismans (sometimes called barriers).

beds_in_room = yield map(getBeds,room.beds)



rooms_in_build = yield map(getRoom,build.rooms)



buildings_in_hotel = yield map(getBuilding,hotel_obj.buildings)




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