Add folders for mvc4 viewer to search

I am working with MVC4 and want to set custom locations for the view engine to search for views. Currently, it will only look in a shared folder outside of the folder where it expects the view to exist.

I want to add 2 more folder locations to search for. How can this be done in mvc4? I don't want to manipulate how this currently works, just add additional folders to view.

Note. I am already working with display modes with views generated from the requesting device. I don't want to influence this with my changes.


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1 answer

use this code

  public class CustomViewEngine : WebFormViewEngine
        public CustomViewEngine()
            var viewLocations =  new[] {  
                // etc

            this.PartialViewLocationFormats = viewLocations;
            this.ViewLocationFormats = viewLocations;




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