Relationship diagrams with Android provider Android provider?

Has anyone seen an Android vendor database entity relationship diagram?

I get to the contacts database and a bit to the media database. The boy will be a diagram showing how the tables relate to each other really help.


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1 answer

There seems to be no such thing in the public domain. This is very unfortunate, as this can lead to the fact that application developers will not parse the databases and put the wrong data in the database.

I have had some success exploring databases on an emulator. For this, the database files were copied from the emulator to my desktop and then opened in addition to Firefox for Sqlite3. Android added their own collator to some tables (PHONEBOOK), so the sqlite browser complains a bit.
The 2 databases I looked at are on the Android device emulator in the following locations:

/data/data/ for media databases

/data/data/ for contacts


It took quite a bit of tinkering to get the files in the process, finding out that there is no cp (copy) command in the adb shell, but adb pull, which can be used to copy a file from one location to another on the device, which, combined with trying chmod 777 *.db

, seemed to be did the trick. The last step was to use the eclipse pull file from the device utility to get the database files on my desktop.

This is by no means an expert guide, but it looks like it's all there now.

It is much easier to look at databases and their structure on the desktop than with the adb command line command line.



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