Python - convert JSON key / values ​​to key / value where value is an array

I have a JSON file with numerous entries like this:

    "area1": "California",
    "area2": "Sierra Eastside",
    "area3": "Bishop Area",
    "area4": "Volcanic Tablelands (Happy/Sad Boulders)",
    "area5": "Fish Slough Boulders",
    "grade": "V6 ",        
    "route": "The Orgasm",
    "type1": "Boulder",
    "type2": "NONE",
    "type3": "NONE",
    "type4": "NONE",


I want to take records area

and type

and turn them into arrays:

    "area": ["California","Sierra Eastside","Bishop Area","Volcanic Tablelands (Happy/Sad Boulders)","Fish Slough Boulders"]
    "grade": "V6 ",        
    "route": "The Orgasm",
    "type": ["Boulder","NONE","NONE","NONE"]


I have this code that almost works:

datas = json.load(json_data)
datas_arrays = []
area_keys = ['area1','area2','area3','area4','area5']
type_keys = ['type1','type2','type3','type4']

for data in datas:
    areaArray = []
    typeArray = []
    deleteArray = []
    for k, v in data.iteritems():
        for area_key in area_keys:
            if (k == area_key):
        for type_key in type_keys:
            if (k == type_key):
    for k in deleteArray:
        del data[k]
    data['area'] = areaArray
    data['type'] = typeArray
    print datas_arrays
    print "********"

out = json.dumps(datas_arrays, sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
print out
f_out= open('../json/toues_test_intoarrays.json', 'w')    


The problem is that the array is area

out of order and the array type

is back, which I can't. It seems strange to me that it is disordered and one is ordered but backwards. It seems to me that the iteration needs to make sure they are ordered.


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2 answers

Python dictionaries are in arbitrary order; they are not sorted. You want to use your pre-generated keylists instead:

with open('../json/routes_test.json') as json_data:
    datas = json.load(json_data)
    area_keys = ['area1','area2','area3','area4','area5']
    type_keys = ['type1','type2','type3','type4']

    for data in datas:
        data['area'] = [data[k] for k in area_keys]
        data['type'] = [data[k] for k in type_keys]
        for k in area_keys + type_keys:
            del data[k]

out = json.dumps(datas, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
print out
with open('../json/toues_test_intoarrays.json', 'w') as f_out:


which modifies dictionaries in place.

You can even define the keys area

and type

for each entry:

    for data in datas:
        keys = sorted(data.keys())

        area_keys = [k for k in keys if k.startswith('area')]
        data['area'] = [data[k] for k in area_keys]

        type_keys = [k for k in keys if k.startswith('type')]
        data['type'] = [data[k] for k in type_keys]

        for k in area_keys + type_keys:
            del data[k]


and omit the list literals with 'area1', 'area2'

etc, copied lists altogether.



Iterate the keys is ok.

for k, v in sorted(data.iteritems()):


It will fail if you pass 9, but now it will.



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