How do I detect a conversation in Prince PDF?

I have a generated 100 page document with dozens of sections, headings, and various text + images. There are custom inserted pages as well as inserted page breaks, but most of the text runs from page to page.

Something that drives me crazy is that I can't tell if an element is the first or last on the page .

For example, my div text container has a 10mm bottom and top edge. If the page layout occurs immediately before it, it should have a 0 top margin. But since I have no way of detecting automatic print breaks, text boxes have a 10mm extra top margin on some pages.

(this is just an example, the real situation is a little more complicated)

Is there some way to determine what the prince is doing for streaming content?


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1 answer

You first need to set the page height, unless the text comes out of the page. and after page-break-after: always is set in the page container class. then it will work.



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