What is the shortcut for using Zen Coding for Notepad ++?

What is the shortcut key (Tab?) To activate Zen encoding in Notepad ++ after installing Zen? Could this be F1? The tab doesn't work. Nothing under "Settings" in the "Editing" section.


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5 answers

Go to Preferences> Shortcut Mapper> Plugin Commands tab.

Look for "Expand Abbreviations", by default it has the "Alt-Ctrl-Enter" key combination. Double-click this row (or click the Edit button) and clear all check boxes. Select "Tab" from the drop-down list of available key commands and an arrow! Tab now expands abbreviations when it finds them, and functions like a regular Tab otherwise.

Hope this helps!



You set the shortcut yourself. Go to Shortcut Settings> Plugin Commands tab. There you will find Zen coding commands at the end. Find the command named "Expand Abbreviation" and double-click the blank column next to it and define a new keyboard shortcut. You may need to restart your notepad ++ application. Test this change by going to "plugin> Zen coding" and a shortcut key will appear with the command name. Do not include an already occupied shortcut. Try using a combination of hard keys. as for me its "ctrl + alt + enter"



The default keyboard shortcut for "Expand Abbreviation" in Notepadd ++ is Ctrl + E, you can see it in the "Zen Coding" menu item; You can change the shortcuts for Zencodeing in "\ Program Files \ Notepad ++ \ plugins \ NppScripting \ includesfiles \ Zen Coding.js". At the very bottom of this file, you can find and edit keyboard shortcuts. But if you use \ t for this action, it won't work for indentation, so it's not recommended.



I had the same problem after installing zen last week. I came here and it gave me the gist on how to fix this, but I noticed that my default setting for the extension was ctrl + alt + enter. This is also the default for adding return before, so the reason it didn't work is because the return before the command was overriding. Changing the default extension function to a free combination (I use ctrl + alt + E) it worked great.



Ok, so for those of you who came here with the same problem: 1) Make sure you read the readme file and you have installed the setup files in the correct location (check again). 2) Save the document as HTML or CSS (only then will it trigger shortcuts). 3) Go to the cheat sheet online, enter one of the corresponding shortcuts, and then press (Ctrl + E).

If that doesn't work, you did something wrong.



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