Knockout Review and Google Chrome AutoComplete Problem

Basically I have a login button on a login form that works fine with jQuery 1.8.3 (I tried 1.9.0) and 2.2.1 knockout observables and a binding to enable / disable the login button.

The enable button is disabled when the computed function sees that there is no username or password.

However, the problem occurs when Google Chrome (24.0.1312.56m) fills in the textbox automatically a few seconds after the page loads. The view model and computed observable do not detect when Chrome updates the textbox, so the button remains disabled.

I made a basic jsfiddle. I dont know how to do jsfiddle autocomplete to show this problem :) You just need to trust me.

Javascript / ViewModel

$(document).ready(function(e) {
    var loginViewModel = function() {

        var self=this;
        self.loginName = ko.observable("");
        self.loginPass = ko.observable("");

        self.loginInfoValid = ko.computed(function() {

            if (self.loginName().length > 0 && self.loginPass().length > 0) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;



    ko.applyBindings(new loginViewModel());     



<input type="text" data-bind="value: loginName, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'"><br>
<input type="text" data-bind="value: loginPass, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'"><br>
<span data-bind="text: loginName"></span><br>
<button data-bind="enable: loginInfoValid">Login</button>





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2 answers

You can either

  • bind an event handler change

    to a text object and manually call the method, self.loginInfoValid

  • use setTimeout

    to wait a short time and call the method manually self.loginInfoValid


If the event change

is fired while doing Chrom autofills, this would be my preferred solution of the two.



Found a nice unobtrusive way to do it like:

var emailInput = $('#email');
var passwordInput = $('#password');

emailInput.on('blur', function () { passwordInput.trigger('change'); });


So, when you lose focus on the email / user login, it raises a password login change event, causing the password property on the updated model to update.



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