Powershell Binary Module - Parameter Validation

I am learning PowerShell and a good friend recommended this excellent article on Binaries in PowerShell to me.

I am planning on porting some of the console applications that I have created for use as binaries.

And one of the things I would like to do is validate my PowerShell parameters correctly.

I found this post:


But I'm not sure if this is the approach I should be following, I mean, I even planned to use DataAnnotations to check my PowerShell parameters in my binary module

In the near future, I plan to start using more PowerShell directly, but at the same time I just want to convert my Console apps to PowerShell binaries.

Could you guys point me in the right direction?

I just want to know if there is a PowerShell way to do something in a binary to vlaidate my parameters


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1 answer

Jaykul's suggestion is more about how to get new validators for my PowerShell code. Instead, I would start with the built-in ones and would only do extra work when needed.

You will find several at System.Management.Automation:

  • ValidateArgumentsAttribute
  • ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute
  • ValidateLengthAttribute
  • ValidateRangeAttribute
  • ValidatePatternAttribute
  • ValidateScriptAttribute
  • ValidateCountAttribute
  • ValidateSetAttribute
  • ValidateNotNullAttribute
  • ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute

They are documented on MSDN like ValidateSet Docs .



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