Matlab strcat not returning string?

imgstr cannot recognize the output string from strcat.

homedir = 'C:\Users\...\images\';
for img = {'01.bmp', '02.bmp', '03.bmp'}
  imgstr = strcat(homedir, img)
  I = imread(imgstr);



imgstr = 'C:\Users...\images\01.bmp'
Error using imread>parse_inputs (line 477)
The filename or url argument must be a string.


strcat should return a string, not a char array, since my inputs are strings. Is not it?


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1 answer

Your problem is how MATLAB iterates over cell arrays. Here is a related question / answer.

Inside the loop, add {1}

to extract the char array and it should work:

imgstr = strcat(homedir, img{1})




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