Bamboo + iOS - Disable Code Signing

I would like to use Bamboo for continuous build for an iOS project. The project is set up for code signing, but I don't want to install certificates on the build machine. As a result, I need to disable code signing at build time. From the command line, I can get this to work using the command on the following lines:

/usr/bin/xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos6.0 -project MyProject.xcodeproj \
  -alltargets -configuration Debug \


The last two elements are the key. Unfortunately I don't know where to place them in the Bamboo Task setup, so they are actually passed to the command xcodebuild


Does anyone know how to do this without disabling code signing in the project file itself?


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1 answer

Each bamboo plan has plan variables that you can set. The Plan Configuration page has a tab Variables

. Any Variables set there will be passed to the Bamboo script for example you can set a variable for codeSignId

in the Scheduling page and access it in a build script like this

/usr/bin/xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos6.0 -project MyProject.xcodeproj \
  -alltargets -configuration Debug \




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