How to make a string contain validation in EL

The application is executed using the Struts 1.2 framework. I want to get the hostname of the request header in the jsp file and define the browser reading the value user-agent

from the header.

Below is the code I wrote using scripts:

String userAgent = request.getHeader("user-Agent");
    userAgent = "Chrome";
}else if(userAgent.contains("Android")){
    userAgent = "Android";


And the code works fine. But I want to avoid scripting because it has some vulnerable cross-site scripting issues. Hence, in order to do the same in EL, I can get the title using this:

Host is: ${header["user-agent"]}


But I'm not sure how to do the validation contains

in EL.

This application runs on the Struts 1.2 Framework, if the framework provides a better way to read the header value in the JSP, please also let me know. Otherwise EL is fine too.


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1 answer

You need to use fn:contains


<c:set var="userAgent" value="${header['user-agent']}"/>


And then:

 <c:if test="${fn:containsIgnoreCase(userAgent, 'Chrome')}">
  <!-- TODO: -->




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