Is there a regular expression that will never match any string?

Ask the question in two parts:

  • Is there any theoretical regex that will never match any string (using a general syntax without any of the fancy stuff provided by modern regex)?
  • Is there an easy way to use the C # Regex syntax to create a regex that will never match any string (all the fancy stuff included this time)?

NOTE. I am not referencing empty string matching (that would be simple, simple ""



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3 answers

Just like you can match any characters to [\s\S]

, you cannot match characters to [^\s\S]

(or [^\w\W]

, etc.).



Without multiline mode, the end usually doesn't appear before the start:



Or simpler, again without multi-line mode:



With search engines, you can do all sorts of conflicting things:



This forces the hero to be two different things at once, which, of course, is impossible.



You can use conflicting lookbehinds like



Here \w

will match any character of the word, and lookbehind (?<!\w)

will make sure the last character is not a word.



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