DIV vs UL, LI performance

Is there any performance difference between DIV and UL html tags if we are developing a complex web page. Which one is easier and faster to load in the browser. If I can design using div and li, which one should I choose?


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4 answers

They are just tags. There's a DOM-wise difference between the two; the only difference is in rendering (CSS you can tweak anyway) and in sense (semantics).

If you have a list of things, use <ul>




Please check this, you might find it very helpful to solve

Why should I use 'li' instead of 'div'?



there is no difference



ul "" is an unordered list that starts with being tagged and indented from the border. It is as if you individually pressed the Tab key for each item in the list. The "div" will mark and enumerate the same list at the border, that is, the list and its flags will be aligned to the left borders of the div it is in



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