The operator does not match the specified name and type of arguments.

I have installed a Rails 3.2.x app to use PostgreSQL HStore, but I am getting an error. It looks like the hstore extension was not selected by the environment. I've already rebooted my machine, checked database extensions, etc.

When I try to execute:

User.where("settings @> (:key => :value)", :key => "setting_x", :value => "test")


I get the error: ( @>

not recognized, i.e. extension hstore

not installed?)

HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.


Configuring My Rails Application:


gem 'activerecord-postgres-hstore'



add_column :users, :settings, :hstore
execute "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY users_gin_settings ON users USING GIN(settings)"
# can see the extenstion installed on my local dev psql database after this




serialize :settings, ActiveRecord::Coders::Hstore


Dynamic methods User


# metaprogramming: has_setting_x + instance.setting_x
%w[setting_x setting_y setting_z].each do |key|
attr_accessible key
    # doesn't work > throws error because of the @> operator
    scope "has_#{key}", lambda { |value| where("settings @> (? => ?)", key, value) }

    # works: can use instance.setting_x
    define_method(key) do
      settings && settings[key]

    # works: can use instance.setting_x = "value"
    define_method("#{key}=") do |value|
      self.settings = (settings || {}).merge(key => value)


Update 1:

This works when I speak directly to the PostgreSQL DB:

SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (settings @> hstore('setting_x','6D9Q7RO4SVWHXK86F'));


The Hstore docs say:

The => operator is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Use the hstore(text, text) function instead.


So, due to the look and feel, my PostgreSQL database version (9.2.1) is already outdated to refer to =>

. It looks like I have more research ahead of me.


source to share

1 answer

From PostgreSQL Docs :

The operator is =>

deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use a function instead hstore(text, text)


So, due to the look and feel, my database version PG (9.2.1) is already deprecated in notation =>

Working now both locally and on Heroku.


User.where("settings @> hstore(?,?)", "setting_x", key)




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