RSA private key format

I was trying to find a way to replicate the session id decoding in Ruby using OpenSSL. But, unfortunately, I am not a cryptographer.

The problem is I don't understand / don't recognize the format of the private key

Here's what their code for decomposing the private key looks like: ):

// decompose private key
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    var l = ((privk.charCodeAt(0)*256+privk.charCodeAt(1)+7)>>3)+2;

    rsa_privk[i] = mpi2b(privk.substr(0,l));
    if (typeof rsa_privk[i] == 'number') break;
    privk = privk.substr(l);




is 656 bytes long (including eight firmwares at the end).

After "decomposition", they use the decomposed parts to decrypt the session id ( ):

// Compute m**d mod p*q for RSA private key operations.

function RSAdecrypt(m (encrypted session-id), d (rsa_privk[2]), p (rsa_privk[0]), q (rsa_privk[1]), u (rsa_privk[3]))


How do I convert this key so that OpenSSL knows how to use it?


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1 answer

OpenSSL supports a variety of key formats including PEM / X.509 and PKCS8 .

The ruby ​​standard library includes the OpenSSL binding .

Using the provided method in this post , you can create a key from the exponent and then use for example



to convert it to an X.509 string.



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