Custom attached properties in QML

I am creating a custom QML component (specialization ListView

allowing multiple choice). I would like to provide attached properties to the objects provided to my component. I can see how to create attached properties using C ++ . However, I cannot find any information on adding custom properties in pure QML. Is this possible with QML?


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2 answers

Is this possible with QML?




QML has an alternative, simple and straightforward way - just use an adapter object that implements the properties you want. Then, instead of just attaching the socket to the adapter - use it as parent / container. You can also nest objects into an adapter by getting another C ++ property with exclusive groupings. A possible way to minimize the overhead is to use JS objects and properties with the downside - no change notifications that you can mitigate a bit by manually emitting.


// Adapter.qml - interface with attached properties
Item {
  id: adapter
  property int customInt : Math.random() * 1000
  property var group : {"a" : Math.random(), "b" : Math.random() }
  default property Component delegate
  width: childrenRect.width
  height: childrenRect.height
  Component.onCompleted: delegate.createObject(adapter)

// usage
ListView {
  width: 100
  height: 300
  model: 5
  delegate: Adapter {
    Row {
      spacing: 10
      Text { text: index }
      Text { text: customInt }
      Text { text: group.a }
      Text { text: group.a }


It is quite painless and convenient compared to some of the other QML workarounds. You don't even need to do it parent.parent.customInt

- the properties are directly accessible, as if they were attached, this works because of dynamic scoping. default property

avoids setting an internal delegate as a property where you just nest the delegate you want directly into the adapter.

In many cases, these acrobatics are overflowing, you can just wrap them in place:

ListView {
  width: 100
  height: 300
  model: 5
  delegate: Item {
    width: childrenRect.width
    height: childrenRect.height
    property string custom1: "another"
    property string custom2: "set of"
    property string custom3: "properties"
    Row {
      spacing: 10
      Text { text: index }
      Text { text: custom1 }
      Text { text: custom2 }
      Text { text: custom3 }


The only key part is the binding for the size of the adapter object so that the view can lay out the objects correctly. I usually use an element Wrap

that essentially does the same thing, but is implemented in C ++, which is much more efficient than QML binding.



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