No command line prompt, just a blinking cursor after running a Python script as a daemon?

  • python-daemon-1.5.2-1.el6.noarch

Below is the script I got from the developer:

import threading
import multiprocessing, os, signal, time, Queue
import time
from suds.client import Client
from hotqueue import HotQueue
from config import config

queue = HotQueue(config['redis_hotqueue_list'], host=config['redis_host'], port=int(config['redis_port']),password=config['redis_pass'], charset="utf-8",db=0)
def sendMail(item):    
    key = item[0]        
    domain = item[1]
    fromemail = item[2]
    fromname = item[3]
    subject = item[4]
    content = item[5]
    toemail = item[6]            
    cc = item[7]
    bcc = item[8]
    replyto = item[9]

    # Convert to string variable
    url = config['sendmail_tmdt_url']
    client = Client(url)        
    client.service.send_mail(key,domain, fromemail,subject, content, toemail,fromname, '','','');               
for i in range(10):
    t = threading.Thread(target=sendMail)
while True:


As you can see, it uses the threading module so that it can be started as a daemon.

I'm going to switch to using the daemon by following this on the blog.

Here's my first try:

from daemon import runner
import logging
import time
import threading
import multiprocessing, os, signal, time, Queue
import time
from suds.client import Client
from hotqueue import HotQueue
from config import config

class Mail():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stdin_path = '/dev/null'
        self.stdout_path = '/dev/tty'
        self.stderr_path = '/dev/tty'
        self.pidfile_path = '/var/run/sendmailworker/'
        self.pidfile_timeout = 1

    def run(self):    
        while True:
            queue = HotQueue(config['redis_hotqueue_list'], host=config['redis_host'], port=int(config['redis_port']), password=config['redis_pass'], charset=r"utf-8", db=0)
            def sendMail(item):
                key = item[0]        
                domain = item[1]
                fromemail = item[2]
                fromname = item[3]
                subject = item[4]
                content = item[5]
                toemail = item[6]            
                cc = item[7]
                bcc = item[8]
                replyto = item[9]

                # Convert to string variable
                url = config['sendmail_tmdt_url']
                client = Client(url)        
                client.service.send_mail(key,domain, fromemail,subject, content, toemail, fromname, '', '', '');            

mail = Mail()

logger = logging.getLogger("sendmailworker")
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
handler = logging.FileHandler("/var/log/sendmailworker/sendmailworker.log")

daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(mail)


It works, but I have to press Ctrl- Cto get the shell prompt after startup:

/etc/init.d/sendmailworker start

Starting server
# started with pid 2586


How can I get rid of this problem?

Adding the ampersand doesn't help:

# /etc/init.d/sendmailworker start &
[1] 4094
# Starting server
started with pid 4099
[1]+  Done                    /etc/init.d/sendmailworker start


As @Celada pointed out: Actually I already had a shell prompt, but it doesn't display [root@hostname ~]#

, as usual, only a flickering cursor. A simple press Enterreturns my shell prompt. So the question should be: How do I do started with pid xxxxx

first, on the same line with Starting server

, and then display my shell prompt?

The function stop

works fine:

[root@hostname ~]# /etc/init.d/sendmailworker stop
Stopping server
Terminating on signal 15
[root@hostname ~]# 


How can I do something like this for a function start

? Something like that:

[root@hostname ~]# /etc/init.d/sendmailworker start
Starting server
started with pid 30624
[root@hostname ~]# 



source to share

1 answer

You can get the expected beahviour by changing

self.stdout_path = '/dev/tty'
self.stderr_path = '/dev/tty'



self.stdout_path = '/dev/null'
self.stderr_path = '/dev/null'


I recommend writing an init script using a shell script in your case.

FYI, I cannot find any document runner

other than its source code .



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