Recursive Query Issues in SQL Server

I have a problem with recursive query in SQL Server.

Suppose I have 2 tables:

  • Holiday

    : this table stores all the holidays ( holidayDate

    that don't work)
  • Invoice

    : this table stores the next payment date ( nextPaymentDate


If nextPaymentDate

is in a table holidayDate

in a holiday table, I need to update it:

nextPaymentDate = nextPaymentDate + 1 day


This step should be processed until it is nextPaymentDate

no longer on holidayDate


See sample data examples below:



HolidyaID      HolidayDate
   1           2012-01-02
   2           2012-01-03
   3           2012-01-04
   4           2012-01-08
   5           2012-01-12
   6           2012-01-13
   7           2012-01-20
   8           2012-01-21
   9           2012-01-22
   10          2012-01-23
   11          2012-01-29
   12          2012-01-30




InvoiceID      NextPaymentDate
   1           2012-01-01
   2           2012-01-02
   3           2012-01-09
   4           2012-01-20


After running this query, I want to see the data in the table Invoice

as shown

InvoiceID      NextPaymentDate
   1               2012-01-01
   2               2012-01-05
   3               2012-01-09
   4               2012-01-24


How can I create a SQL query to output this result?

You can check this request at!6/de346/3



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3 answers

select InvoiceID,
Case when [holidaydate] is null then [NextPaymnetDate]
(Select min([holidaydate]) from holiday h
where  h.[holidaydate]>[NextPaymnetDate]
and not exists(Select * from holiday h2 where h2.[holidaydate]=DateAdd(dd,1,h.[holidaydate])) 
from invoice
left Join holiday on [holidaydate]=[NextPaymnetDate]




with holidayBatch as
  select workingdate = dateadd(dd, 1, holidayDate)
  from Holiday h
  where not exists (select 1 from Holiday nxt
                    where nxt.holidaydate = dateadd(dd, 1, h.holidaydate))
select i.invoiceid,
  case when h.holidaydate is null then i.NextPaymentDate else hb.workingdate end
from Invoice i
  left join Holiday h on i.NextPaymentDate = h.holidaydate
  outer apply (select top 1 workingdate
              from holidayBatch hb where workingdate > NextPaymentDate
              order by workingdate) hb
order by i.invoiceid


SQL Fiddle



    select invoiceid, coalesce(nd,NextPaymnetDate) dd from invoice i left join
    select *,(select min(dateADD(dd,1,holidaydate)) from holiday 
where holidaydate>=h.holidaydate and 
dateADD(dd,1,holidaydate) not in (select holidaydate from holiday)) nd 
    from holiday h) h on NextPaymnetDate = holidaydate;




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