Can't write more than 204800 characters to the file?

EDIT 2: For those of you who would like to take a closer look at the code, here it is:

I'm having a bit of a problem here: python throws an IOError whenever I try to write more than 204800 characters to a file. I tried on another computer and it crashed at 768k chars. Is this a python issue, is the OS anything limited? Here is the code I'm using:

with open('out.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(items, f)



- a simple dictionary. I am creating it from an HTML file containing about 800 elements. Each element is structured as follows:

bookmark = {}
            bookmark["title"] = link.contents[0]
            bookmark["id"] = id
            bookmark["parent"] = 5
            bookmark["dateAdded"] = 1
            bookmark["lastModified"] = 1
            bookmark["type"] = "text/x-moz-place"
            uri = link.get('href')
            # Shaarli self links are totally messed up : ?xGRpkrp
            # But we can't simply oust links containing '?'s, because
            # php uses it, and pretty much everything does
            # however, if there not dot, we can assume it a 
            # Shaarli link.
            # If it not, well too bad, false positive.
            if "?" in uri and not '.' in uri:
                bookmark['uri'] = "about:blank"
                bookmark['uri'] = uri
            id += 1

                # This line messes up when the end of the file has been reached
                # Rather than coding properly, let just catch the exception
                desc = link.parent.next_sibling.next_sibling
                if desc and == "dd":
                    bookmark["annos"] = []
                    annos = {}
                    annos["name"] = "bookmarkProperties/description"
                    annos["flags"] = 0
                    annos["expires"] = 4
                    annos["mimeType"] = ""
                    annos["type"] = 3
                    annos["value"] = desc.contents[0]



IOError (Errno 27) : File too large


EDIT: More info: Python info:

$ python --version
Python 2.7.3


Used OS:

Linux Mint 13: limit: 204.8kB

Debian 6.0: limit: 768kB


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1 answer

This is not a Python bug, but a limitation of the filesystem you are writing to, or an equivalent (artificial) limitation of your operating system.

Use ulimit -f

to check the size of your file. He has to say unlimited

. If not, you will most likely want to edit /etc/security/limits.conf

. You can use the following command to find the problematic configuration:

grep fsize /etc/security/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.d/ -r


You can also check the file systemquota

or grsecurity limit.

Finally, you can check mount

to make sure the file system you plan to install is what you see.



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