Weighted average by 4 times with a 2D array of weights without regard to the list

(This question is similar to Numpy averaging with multidimensional weights along the axis , but more complicated.)

I have a numpy array, d

, d.shape=(16,3,90,144)

and an array of numpy weights e

, e.shape=(16,3)

. I want to take a weighted average a

along axis 1 using e

. So the output should be a numpy array with shape (16,90,144)

. I can accomplish this with a list comprehension:

np.array([np.average(d[n], weights=e[n], axis=0) for n in range(16)])


But like the previous question, I would like to avoid converting from a list back to a numpy array. This case is more complicated than the previous question because the weights are not the same every time (i.e. weights=e[n]

, not weights=b


Can anyone please help? Thank!


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1 answer

It would be nice to use np.average

directly. However, for this, d

both the weights e

must have the same shape, and for you, the broadcast will be implicitly here.

Explicit translation e

(with np.broadcast_arrays

), so it has the same shape as d

, but it is a waste of memory. So instead one could look into the source code defining numpy.average , and try to reproduce the calculation:

In [121]: d = np.random.random((16,3,90,144))

In [122]: e = np.random.random((16,3))

In [123]: f = e[:,:,None,None]

In [124]: scl = f.sum(axis = 1)

In [125]: avg = np.multiply(d,f).sum(axis = 1)/scl


Here is a check that the calculation returns the same result as a list comprehension:

In [126]: avg_lc = np.array([np.average(d[n], weights=e[n], axis=0) for n in range(d.shape[0])])

In [127]: np.allclose(avg, avg_lc)
Out[127]: True




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