The project after building Eclipse can no longer be built

My laptop crashed recently, so I started up an old desktop computer. Got Eclipse is installed along with the Android SDK.

But when I check out an Android project from Subversion in Eclipse, I get errors that suggest it cannot find the ViewPagerIndicator library (which I already added to my workspace / projects as a library).

When I go to my Android project properties, in the Android tab at the bottom and add the ViewPagerIndicator as a library, it shows a green checkbox:

enter image description here

I click OK and the dialog is dismissed. But then when I try to build I get the following errors:

E:\Workspace\foobar\res\values\styles.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'vpiTabPageIndicatorStyle'.
E:\Workspace\foobar\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Widget.TabPageIndicator'.


If I go back to my project properties in the Android tab, the same ViewPagerIndicator library that did not have a green checkbox 3 seconds before has a red X and a question mark next to it in the Project column:

enter image description here

Both my project and the ViewPagerIndicator project are set to compile with Java 1.6 and both target SDK v16.

Oh, and yes, the same revision Subversion builds on my laptop, so all files are identical as before.


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1 answer

I don't think it's correct to post this as an answer to my own question because I'm still at a loss for what I was doing wrong, if anything.

But I ended up removing my project and ViewPageIndicator library project from my workspace and then adding them back again. It all worked. Go figure. Maybe it will help someone else.



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