Continue while loop until char == EOF

while( (c = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF ){
    if (count == lineLen - 1){
        moreChars = (char*) realloc(line, lineLen *=2);

        if(moreChars == NULL){
            puts("Error allocating for moreChars.");
            line = moreChars;
    line[count - 1] = c;


This is my code. My problem is that when the user enters (ctrl + d) to end the loop, he has to enter it twice, i.e. To terminate custom loop types (ctrl + d) (ctrl + d).

sample input:

Hey you dood guy (ctrl + d) (ctrl + d)

ideal entrance:

Hey you dood guy (ctrl + d)

To make it clearer:

I want the user to only have to enter (ctrl + d) once to end the loop and cannot figure out why the use should enter (ctrl + d) (ctrl + d) at the end of the loop.



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1 answer

How is it determined c

? fgetc () returns int and EOF returns int. If c is char, they won't match.



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